! Disclaimer !

This Page is to showcase a specific piece of music, be it an entire album, a Mix, DJ set or a single Track, that I particularily like at the moment.

1. I don't support anything, an artist whose work is placed here, may do outside of their art; I don't do background checks on them, I just like nice sounds.

2. The Music and//or their illustrations might contain explicit content. If the lyrics are especially foul, I most likely don't know; I struggle a lot understanding lyrics without actively reading them.

3. A lot of the music I listen to is not pleasant to most people. Just be weary of that lmao

4. The likelihood that you don't know something featured here is very high! Unless you happen to have the same exact taste as me. I generally like a lot of underground artists that are incredibly underrated.

This Disclaimer only needs to be viewed once; There will be special disclaimers for potential Content Warnings depending on what's featured

Sound of the Moment

(Player may be a bit loud!)

yaya lore

I've loved Beansclubs Music for a Good while now; I don't know why, but y2k trance music that sounds like it should be played on really bad old speakers and possibly one Room over is just the best; there's actually a strange internet music genre called "sextrance" (<- link is a fantastic mix that should do a good job of introducing the Genre) that's basically just y2k trance with some compression on it. I love it so much- the more tired you are, the better it feels to listen to ! Best Experienced when so sleep deprived that your mind is involuntarily slipping away ,

This Album of theirs is very new; It actually came out today (23rd of April) and honestly.. they are just incapable of missing. EVERY SINGLE TRACK of theirs I discover is so fucking good; their "who the fuck is beansclub *strange but kinda cool noise*" Sample is like a stamp of Quality at this point; like,, I hear it in some mix and go "ah that's why it's so fucking good lmao" lmao
