- Pedestal -

Added in V1.0


A Simple Pedestal made of Cobblestone. It can be used to display items, and//or give off Redstone Signals.

To display an Item, punch a Pedestal with the Hand holding the Item you want to put on it. This can be prevented by putting ANY block that isn't air directly above a Pedestal.

Right clicking a Pedestal with an empty hand opens a menu allowing to set a Key Item. When an Item of the Key Items type is place on the Pedestal, it will give off a redstone Signal. The Block below it gets powered as well, allowing to completely hide redstone wiring below the Floor.

Right clicking a Pedestal with either red or blue Dye, makes it change its color. To clear its color, right click using a Water Bucket.

Blue and Red Pedestals will always give off Redstone Signals if a Skull of matching color is placed upon them, regardless of the set Key Item.

Right clicking a Pedestal with Glowstone Dust, makes it "fancy", meaning the displayed item will rotate.

It has to be mined using a Pickaxe.


Crafting Table

(1 Cobblestone + 2 Cobblestone Slabs => 1 Pedestal)