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Data Tags are lists of specific Objects (for example, a "Block Tag" is a list of Blocks). They can be modified using Datapacks, allowing to, for example, make anything breakable using mod explosions.

All data tags can be found here on Github, if you would like to see the default values.

- Blocks -

ultracraft:explosion_breakable - Blocks that can be broken by explosions.

ultracraft:fragile - Blocks that can be broken by things like the Piercers Alt-Fire.

ultracraft:punch_breakable - Blocks that can be broken by Punching them using the Feedbacker.

ultracraft:knuckle_breakable - Blocks that can be broken by Punching them using the Knuckleblaster.

ultracraft:knuckle:blast_breakable - Blocks that can be broken by the Knuckleblasters Blast//Explosion.

ultracraft:slam_breakable - Blocks that can be broken by performing a strong slam on them.

ultracraft:cannot_connect - Blocks that connectable Blocks like Iron Bars or Fences can't connect to. No idea why this isn't a thing in Vanilla.

- Entity Types -

ultracraft:husks - All Husk Type Enemies.

ultracraft:demons - All Demon Type Enemies.

ultracraft:machines - All Machine Type Enemies.

ultracraft:angels - All Angel Type Enemies.

ultracraft:funis - All Joke Type Entities. (for example Cancerous Rodent)

ultracraft:living - All Living Entities the mod adds. (Currently just contains all the enemy type tags together)

ultracraft:non-living - All Non-Living Entities the mod adds. (For example all Projectiles, Soul Orbs or Shockwaves)

ultracraft:projectiles - All Projectiles the mod adds.

ultracraft:projboostable - The List of Projectiles that can be Projectile Boosted if the Projecile Boosting Setting is set to ENTITY_TAG.

ultracraft:streecleaner_counter - Entities that Streetcleaners will attempt to flick to the side when they're about to collide with them.

ultracraft:streetcleaner_dodge - Entities that Streetcleaners will attempt to dodge when they get too close.

- Items -

ultracraft:punch_flames - When an Entity is punched with one of these items in hand, it will be set on fire.

ultracraft:foliage - Used for crafting Flowerbeds.

ultracraft:sheetmetal_blocks - Used for crafting other Sheetmetal Blocks at the Stonecutter.

c:stained_glass_panes - Used for crafting Stained Glass Windows.

c:iron_bars - Used for crafting Iron Bar Variants at the Stonecutter and Reinforcing Stained Glass Windows.

c:carpets - Used for crafting Fancy Carpets.

- Damage Types -

ultracraft:all - Contains All of Ultracrafts Damage Types.

ultracraft:break_magnet - Magnets can only be damaged//destroyed prematurely using these damage types.

ultracraft:drop_flamethrower - Streetcleaners will only drop their Flamethrowers when killed using these damage types.

ultracraft:explode_plushie - Plushies explode when destroyed by these damage types.

ultracraft:hitscan - These damage types are Hitscans; meaning they can hit interruptable charges and//or street cleaners back tanks.

ultracraft:is_per_tick - These damage types do not reduce I-Frames since they're normally applied every tick; per-tick damage that isn't listed here, will evaporate players.

ultracraft:melee - Melee Damage has drastically reduced blood healing since it tends to be very high damage. Melee damage can also be used to remove skewer type projectiles that are stuck in you.

ultracraft:no_bleeding - These damage types cause no Blood to be spilled.

ultracraft:punch - Punches using either the Feedbacker or Knuckleblaster. Only used for Style Bonuses currently.

ultracraft:unboosted - Damage of these types isn't multiplied by 2.5 when applied to non-mod entities.

ultracraft:undodgeable - Dashing does not make a player immune to these damage types.

ultracraft:reduced_knockback - These Damage Types will cause only a Quarter of the knockback they would normally.

ultracraft:v2_bypass_intro - Damage Types that are able to damage V2 during their Intro Sequence.

- Biomes -

ultracraft:has_abandoned_facility - All of the Biomes that Abandoned Facilities can generate in. Contains all Overworld Biomes except for Oceans, Swamps and Rivers.

- Fluids -

ultracraft:blood - Blood.

ultracraft:unskimmable - Fluids that cannot be skimmed when sliding onto them.